The art of Sculpture opens third dimension to the art education & involves the transformation of any earthy material into a particular form or shape. It is a 3-D work which is created by combining relevant materials. Pottery is one of the oldest materials for sculpture and clay being the medium originally modeled for casting.
Step up school provides, a state of the art, Sculpture studio for our young creators. Students are trained to use unique conceptual approaches and techniques in sculpture. Our proficient mentors profess artistic ability & creativity in students. The little fingers learn to shape a piece of art from those tender years and grow up learning the skill of making art pieces. The sculpture lessons include –
- Forming
- Carving,
- Collage,
- Gluing
- Making use of materials such as clay, paper, foam etc
It gives a practical approach in understanding culture, nature and environment. We believe that through sculpting, students can bring themselves into such a wonderful world, where the only limit is their imagination and the ability their eyes and hands possess. Our unique and carefully designed curriculum fosters –
- Self discipline,
- Artistic abilities
- Observational skills
- Manipulative skills
- Analytical skills
- Creativity