Bharat Vikas Parishad organised a programme ‘Adhyapak Vandan Chatra Abhinandan’ on 1st September in ABESIT Auditorium. Stepians of Grades 6 and 7 presented a group song prepared by Ms. Sakshi (Our Music Instructor). Ms. Sapna Mehan and Ms. Chandraprabha were…
Step Up School will be celebrating English Literary week from 26th to 30th August, for which various activities are planned as per the following schedule. Day 1 – quiz and crossword puzzle Day 2 : story walk Day 3: story…
Step Up School held a special assembly to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi. Our Respected Principal Ma’am seeking blessings from Lord Ganesha. Children gave a performance by speaking about the festival.
Step Up School celebrated ‘Janmashtami’ on 23rd August. Stepians gave awe-inspiring performances in the form of dances, songs and speech. The tiny tots were dressed as Radha Kishan and looked adorable.