Class Puppet B’Day

Grade #Nursery of Step Up School celebrated the birthday of class puppet ‘Simsim’ on 17th July, 2019. The tiny tots enjoyed this day with great zeal. #Puppetry has proven itself to be a powerful medium of storytelling which not only leaves an impact on the #students but…

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Sandwich Making Day

Step Up School recently organised #Sandwich making day with #Grade #Prep which the kids enjoyed with great enthusiasm. Sandwich making is a very significant #LifeSkill that encourages kids to eat #healthy. Developing life skills for kids is a great way to encourage #Independence, practice #FineMotorSkills, and foster #SelfConfidence. Kids can do so…

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Purple Day celebrated in Step Up School

Purple Day celebrated in Step Up School

  #PurpleDay was celebrated in Grade #KG of Step Up School on 18th July, 2019 to make the little kids aware about the #colour and how it adds #beauty to things around us. #Purple represents meanings of #creativity, #wisdom, #dignity, #grandeur and #independence. The tiny toddlers were beautifully dressed in Purple. They also brought many purple coloured…

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