Teacher as Mentors
All possible effort is made to engage professionally trained and qualified teachers. They create a comfort level by caring and sharing environment that complements pupil’s learning. The teachers are easily accessible to students. These teachers with their well-groomed personality and passion for their profession, become a role model for their pupils. Hence, their aura supports the learning environment of the child.
Teaching Methodology
Teachers use an array of teaching strategies because there is no single or universal approach that suits all situations. Different strategies used in different combinations with different groups of students improve learning outcomes. Some strategies are better suited to teaching certain skills and fields of knowledge than others. Some strategies are better suited to certain student backgrounds, learning styles and abilities. The school, keeping in consideration all these aspects, has devised its teaching methodology to facilitate learning in the school.

The key features of our school teaching methodology are:
- Teachers enjoy ‘teaching style’ autonomy in the classroom. They plan a lesson that imparts skills and knowledge.
- Use of technology to suit the differentiated learner needs.
- Use of differentiated instructions.
- Incorporate diverse teaching methodology to meet the diverse needs of the students.
- Differentiated learning strategy for the individual.
- Developing climate of trust between educators and the learner’s community.
- Multiple Intelligence approach has been incorporated in teaching methodology for meaningful and effective transaction to meet individual needs.
- Teachers keep themselves abreast with diverse ways of teaching by participating in workshops.